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Standard Safeguarding Dataset

In partnership with Hertfordshire County Council, Essex County Council, Knowsley Council, and North West ADCS, we're delivering a DfE-funded project to define a new Standard Safeguarding Dataset for Children’s Social Care. The current estimated publication date is March 2024.


DfE recognises that existing standard datasets do not incorporate the breadth and depth of the safeguarding activity which LAs undertake, and there is limited data relating to outcomes for children and families beyond process-related indicators. We have mapped existing data items returned as part of various statutory and voluntary collections and used these to form an initial draft dataset, which we are now developing iteratively in partnership with LAs and other stakeholders.


The potential new data set will have a long term impact on how we monitor and understand outcomes for children and young people and it’s really important we capture the views of all stakeholders. Part of this work will involve developing new indicators to be included in the Standard Safeguarding Dataset.


To find out more about participating, please contact us by email. To access data, LA employees can become a member of this website by using the "Log In / Sign Up" link in the top menu.



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